Thursday, December 31, 2020

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

pdf file about Buzzati

I found this interesting article "Graphic Poetry: Dino Buzzati’s Poema a fumetti", written by Julian Peters.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


A big (in terms of culture) publisher "Biuro Literackie" has published a poemics of Joanna Mueller (poetry) and Joanna Łańcucka (comics). I hope it will be a next step in promoting the field where poetry and comics come together.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Dave Morice

I found an interview with Dave Morice, there is lots of information about his views on poetry comics: It's a pleasure to do some google searching on this Author's works!

Friday, June 13, 2014

about anthologies of poemiks in "Zeszyty Komiksowe"

Some information about our projects is in Zeszyty Komiksowe No. 17 Many authors from this blog are mentioned (both as authors of poemics and of abstract comics).

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Some new poemics 2 2014

A Shredder



Some new poemics 2014

A NoteLover 



Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

How I watched until the moon...

Thought I'd share these poemics which I created in something like 1986 when I was studying with bpNichol.  It's a nine part sequence and it is posted here on my blog.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

the encrypted poemics anthology is here

szyfr by pszren

not everything is certain about the anthology. some of the Authors have given names to their works. what were the names? guess! some of the pieces were already published elsewhere. when? where? I hope you will have fun guessing and finding out many things about the works gathered here. have fun!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

POEMICS - Poemas Chilenos Contemporáneos en Comics

Daniela Edith has uploaded the famous "POEMICS - Poemas Chilenos Contemporáneos en Comics" album to issuu:
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Sunday, May 12, 2013

call for submissions - 3 poemic anthologies

after some years, perhaps it's time to look back, and to see what poemics we could create now. some projects were made, some authors have appeared, I've talked to several people about poemics (and even some scientific papers about poemics were written).

allow me to invite you to participate in three project - three anthologies, that is:

Project One: comic scripts in frames. please send files (suitable for printing), with frames that look like comic frames - only inside place parts of a comic script. do not have to be authentic scenarios of completed comics. do what you want, I mean describe some action, give instructions for the nonexistent drawer, experiment with the frames.

Second project: encrypted poemics. do some drawings and texts, make them enigmatic, hide something. use asemic writing, use unreadable fonts, blurred letters, overlapping on one another or find some other way to make it a secret code.

Project Three: changing old poems poemically. take a line of a text (with no copyrights, or your own text) - but in that case make it feel that old - and cut it into pieces. improve, change elements. create a poemics on the basis of this text. you can use speech balloons, do something graphically to the text, put it in some comic frames.

the anthologies will be black and white, published on the internet. if you would like to take part, please send works (more or less A4 or legal format, vertical) to before the end of December 2013.

all the best and keep in touch!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I guess mistake was a mistake :)

hello, the Poemic Inquiry about mistakes turned out not such a big success. perhaps we should search for other options? (shorter time, better subjects), or we should look around for other inspirations or forms of presentation/activity. there was a workshop in Studio V9 in Warsaw, Poland about comics and poemics not long ago. so something is going on, which perhaps is good :). we can also look at other projects taking place in the Vispo, pwoermds and other worlds. do you have any ideas? or perhaps I'm the one keeping people away from poemics? always pushing artists into some formalist projects... let's relax, but relax the artistic way (perhaps taken from martial arts - where some tension should come together with relaxation). all the best, Piotr

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

poem comics from back then

hello, I thought that we should take a look at many different things similar to poemics. one of the categories is the "poem-comics" or "poem comics". I think it's worth taking a look. sometimes the idea is similar, or the same, as in poemics, and sometimes it's different. anyway, please take a look at some examples, here are some links:

or perhaps it would be easier to search on google images:

Friday, March 23, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

the mailart poemics anthology is ready!

please take a look here:
perhaps it's one of the greatest poemics projects so far!

all the best,


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

poemics workshop in Iowa (2011)

please take a look here: isn't it nice? I like it so much!

Monday, March 12, 2012

PI - mistake

how about we get back to the idea of Poemic Inquiry? if it's ok, I would like to start with a project "mistake". this can be about typos, misunderstandings, regreting something or even about technical problems :)

would the end of April be ok as a deadline? so this would be more than a month.

if you don't mind, I can make a brochure out of this PI, in pdf, so this would be a mini-anthology, I mean if it works :)

all the best,


Monday, March 5, 2012


Hoping this place is coming alive again

This was the first place where I saw a word poemics. It was at the year 2009, actually at the September 2009. After that I made my first poemics thanks to Pszren, who created this place and site! I publish that first one now here again and at same time I hope that this place is coming alive again. If somebody new wants to join in contact satu(dot)kaikkonen(at)elisanet(dot)fi

Monday, August 8, 2011

The end of ECP

The European Centre of Poemics (Europejskie Centrum Poemiksu) doesn't exist anymore. it was a "simple society" (stowarzyszenie zwykłe), based in Lublin, Poland. there is not much going on in the world of poemics, and especially I'm not doing anything here. perhaps we need a change. I've closed the poemics forum I'm not planning to post on this blog in near future. if anyone wants to become an administrator, please let me know. we had some nice projects, and I hope that the art of poemics will be remembered.

all the best to you all!

Piotr Szreniawski

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tree-Blogging project covered in ARTNews article this month

Back in January, I included work posted on the poemicstrip blog as part of a social media performance/art event ("Tree-Blogging") that I was coordinating with @Platea.  That project is briefly discussed in an article on social media art in ARTNews this month.  It's toward the end of the article.

--Bungy (a.k.a. Jonathan Gray)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Asemic Writing

I was looking for foffof, I see: foffof doesn't exist any more ...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lublin Meetings with Comics

during LeSzeK (Lubelskie Spotkania z Komiksem - Lublin Meetings with Comics) festival, that is taking place today and tomorrow, I passed around some copies of a brochure about what I've been doing lately. there is some information about poemics - by the way, please take a look at the recent posts on

all the best,


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Two Trains by Rosaire Appel

40 pages, black and white
Two Trains addresses the tension that occurs when words and images coexist on the same page.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

you said




you said if

said if you want
dance, you'll have

you said





you said I'm not

said if I was
you would miss

to jump
our hands are
somewhere else

Thursday, February 24, 2011


just a simple piece (something that perhaps can be considered an asemic poemic, but the bacground layer - pieces from a legal act about foreigners - makes it less asemic).

the title "styczno" is a piece of a word "turystyczno", which would mean touristic. so it's about foreigners that come as tourists.

wait, I read it again, and I found that it's not an act about foreigners, it's an act about a duty to tell the local authorities where you stay. there is only a section about foreigners in the act. perhaps it's something similar to the Supreme Court poemics in a way.

Monday, February 21, 2011

alpha snow

you said







you said





you said




you said I’m watching a Doris Day movie
you said I made a mistake on the w
you said let me hang up and you can laugh by yourself

you said




you said my body is very particular to what it moves to
you said I’ll give you my foot prints
you said I want to live on Fish Ranch Road
you said closer, I’m on top

you said



you said if I was in China – you would miss me
you said run away with me

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011